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My Charm


my charm

Classic and formal concept


The idea behind My Charm is the birth of a mid-range boutique hotel, aimed at an older and more demanding target audience.


We developed the My Charm Branding, which presents a classic, formal and refined concept, and subsequently we moved on to the decoration of all the hotel’s spaces. From the customisation of windows and common spaces, to the textile and individual personalization of the accommodation options. Furthermore, we equipped all the staff and provided them with all the necessary support for the best reception of their guests.


My Charm is now almost 5 years old and we continue to support the project, as we have done since its birth, working closely together.


The company that represents values such as: professionalism; ethics; rigor; dedication and attention to detail; customer focus and customised support; adaptability and versatility; multifaceted work team; empathy development of several projects over the last few years in collaboration with Blink Eye, which have been implemented due to their responsiveness and effectiveness in delivering results. Excellent business partner.

Mirza Jiva

My Charm


Case Studies